Enterprise Edition

BoardCloud Enterprise Edition is available for both Nonprofit and Business users. These two versions have identical functionality and are aimed at companies and institutions that have a need:

  • to support over 30 or more users
  • to host our solution on-premise or in a private cloud
  • to manage up to five separate companies or entities

Enterprise Pricing

Enterprise packages are payable yearly in advance and include a 30-day trial. Costs are.

  • $1,999 per year for Enterprise Non-Profit Edition
  • $3,999 per year for Enterprise Business Edition

Enterprise Edition allows for:

  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited support
  • Unlimited committees and meetings
  • Multiple hosting options:
    • Self-hosting, on-premise or your own cloud
    • Hosting in our cloud
  • Custom connections to your e-signature provider
  • Full onboarding service including:
    • Member and committee import
    • Historical meetings import
    • Past meeting and minutes history import
    • Board packet cover page design
    • Board packet divider page design

On-Premise Deployment

Self-hosting is the key feature of BoardCloud Enterprise. It supports on-premise on private servers (usually Microsoft based) or hosting on a private-cloud.

On-Premise requirements: Microsoft Server 2016 (or above) Microsoft SQL 2017 (or above).

SSO (Single-Sign-On)

Our enterprise edition supports SSO functionality for Active Directory and can be connected to your AD during the implementation phase. (Note some limitations may apply, depending on your AD configuration).

Competitive Pricing Comparison

See how BoardCloud pricing rates against some of our top competitors!

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