BoardCloud Capabilities

Board Portal Capabilities

This section showcases some examples of BoardCloud’s capabilities that can meaningfully save your company secretary time.

Add a Teams/Zoom Meeting link to your meeting

There is a hard way to do this. First, setup your meeting in your board management system. Then open Teams or Zoom. Then navigate to the create meeting page and fill in the most of the same details you have already just typed into your board meeting setup page. All the time being careful not to duplicate the sending of meeting invites to your directors.

Or you could just do it all in BoardCloud.

Click Here

Directors Evaluations and Declaration of Interests Submissions

Franky, in most organizations, the distribution and collection of directors forms is a painful procedure.

Form creation is often the biggest technical challenge. Which platform does one use? Online systems create great forms but present security issues. Adobe Acrobat Pro is a staple choice, which comes with a fair number of caveats. The yearly license costs being a good starting point and if you add in the challenge of mailing, collating and storing the forms, it becomes apparent that Acrobat based PDF forms are not the best choice.

Or you could just create, collate and store your forms in BoardCloud.

Click Here

Pre-Meeting and In-Meeting Discussions

Any agenda item can be tagged to have a discussion related to the agenda item’s content. This allows contentious items to be debated by selected meeting attendees well before the meeting starts. Which in some cases, allows for considerable time saving because issues that would normally surface in-meeting can be clarified ahead of time. These discussions also saves the agenda item presenter from having waste time explaining basic concepts that covered in the meeting preparation stage instead.

Take a look at what a BoardCloud discussion looks like.

Click Here

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