Clone Agenda

Copy Your Agenda

The ability to ‘clone’ an agenda structure can sometimes become a great timesaving tool. This is especially true for meetings that have agendas that tend to repeat from meeting to meeting.

BoardCloud’s Clone Agenda function has been designed to copy the structure of a given agenda and then to duplicate it into a new meeting.

As a matter of design, the Clone feature does not copy supporting documents or media. It replicates agenda sections only.

Clone Agenda

There are two options relating to copying an existing agenda:

  • Create a copy (clone)
  • Import a copied agenda

The clone option is found in the meeting agenda section menu and looks like this:

Copy an agenda in seconds

Clone Existing Agenda

First a clone is made of an existing meeting agenda.

This agenda that has been copied is now ready to be added to an empty meeting agenda

Import Cloned Agenda

Once an agenda has been cloned, it can then be easily read into a newly created meeting, saving company secretaries much time and effort. Which is the main driving force behind BoardCloud!

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