Member Profile

Our BoardCloud Profile Page is designed to keep all your member's information structured in a simple manner.

During the initial onboarding of a new member,  only basic information about a member is required. However, to showcase their professional status member's can add profile images as well as a fully featured bio to their profiles.

Member Profile Page

Full page view of meeting agenda page

Additional Director Information

Certain of the additional information can be of use when there is a need to locate director skills and work information. This includes the name of the company and the work skills of each director.

Member Documents

A system administrator can upload documents against a member's profile. This feature is designed to enable administrative personnel to store personal documents for members for back-office use.

For example, here are some possible documents that can be uploaded for an individual member:

  • Id document
  • Certificates
  • Passport 
  • Any other documents or scans

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