Terms & Conditions - Free Trial Board Meeting Software

We offer a 30-day free trial of all BoardCloud editions, based on the Terms and Conditions listed below.

BoardCloud Trial Terms and Conditions:

Between, BoardCloud (the host or provider) and you (the customer or consumer)


‘BoardCloud’: Refers to the web application created owned and provided by Syncrony Data (Pty) Ltd

‘User’: Refers to a member of the organization using the software

  1. BoardCloud will provide full use of the BoardCloud suite to customers for a period of 30-days from the time of sign-up. 
  2. Upon termination of the trial, free use of the BoardCloud Board Portal in any manner whatsoever will be withdrawn.
  3. BoardCloud retains the right to withhold the use of the BoardCloud Board Portal to any consumer for any reason, including but not limited to, unlawful use of the software or copyright infringement. 
    1. Unlawful uses of the BoardCloud software are strictly prohibited, both in terms of any law, and in terms of the conditions of this agreement
  4. BoardCloud retains ownership of all intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyright in the underlying BoardCloud software.
    1. BoardCloud retains the right to enforce such copyright upon the discovery of any infringement.
  5.  BoardCloud retains the right to vary the terms of this agreement without notice to the consumer at any time.
  6. BoardCloud commits to protecting the consumer’s information in line with the BoardCloud privacy policy.
    1. BoardCloud will encrypt the consumer’s data with AES Encryption and is thus totally unreadable by BoardCloud or any other agents or individuals
    2. All customer data stored on our servers will be deleted withing two-weeks of a trial ending without the purchase of a subscription. 
    3. All data saved on the BoardCloud portal can be recovered, if the customer requires, for a nominal fee, at the request of the consumer
  7. BoardCloud cannot be held liable for any damages or harm incurred in the use of this software, including but not limited to:
    1. Damage incurred due to the loss of data
    2. Damage incurred due to breaches of web integrity and security
    3. Damage incurred due to negligence
    4. Damage incurred due to gross negligence
    5. Damage incurred due to unlawful third party activity
    6. Damage incurred due to consumer error or mistake

If you have any questions please use our support form here to ask for answers.

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