Board Pack Revisions

Republishing Board Packs

Why get stressed by last-minute changes to your board pack?

With BoardCloud, you can quickly add, edit and adjust your agenda and then re-publish it! BoardCloud will handle the chores of creating a version history and letting committee members know about the new pack.

Breaking news: The upcoming version of BoardCloud will include the ability to share an interactive meeting surface between meeting stakeholders who can collaborate on the agenda.

The Beauty of Revisions

Each time a board pack is published by the company secretary or a meeting admin, a new revision is created. This is equivalent to a new version with a sequential version number and date-time stamp.

Each published revision is saved against a record of revisions for the specific board pack. Once a revision is saved it can be reviewed before being published.

A published revision can be shared with the the committee(s) associated with the document.

Distributing Minutes

As can be seen from the above image of revision history, it is quick to distribute meeting minutes to the relevant committee.

Minutes can be distributed either as an addendum to the original meeting pack or as a simple pack composed only of the meeting minutes.

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