BoardPack Viewer

Features of the BoardCloud PDF Viewer/Editor

The BoardCloud PDF viewer enables directors to view and edit board cloud documents on any device they are authenticated on.

The viewer is fully responsive and will accommodate viewing across a range of viewing options from desktops to hand held devices. It works consistently across disparate devices, from desktops to mobile phones, as a browser based viewer or when surfaced in our IOS or Android app.

You can read more detailed information about the viewer by clicking on the links below:

Board Pack Viewer Functions

Although there are many functions available, the viewer can be used initially to review documents and then extra functions can be used as the need arises.

The built-in document viewer is a specialised PDF component designed to allow easy browsing of board documents.

It has many functions, which include various page navigation tools, zooming functions as well as normal text selection for copy and paste. There is also a comprehensive search function and options to download and print documents in part or as complete items.

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Board Pack Annotation Capabilities

Most directors will at some time need to make notes on their board packet copies. BoardCloud can accommodate annotations in a number of ways.

All annotations made are private and cannot be shared by default.

There are many edit functions that can be used to manipulate the board documents. Some simple functions include various text editing or marking of existing text in a board packet.

Annotations can easily be made and drawing on the document is also supported. Signatures can be hand drawn or pasted from previously saved versions.

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Although there are many functions available, the viewer can be used initially to review documents and the extra functions can be used as the need arises.

Below is an image of the board pack viewer/editor with all functions visible on the main navigation bar:

Pack Editor with full navbar

Available Annotation Functions

  • Highlight selected text
  • Underline selected text
  • Strikeout selected text
  • Type comments directly on the pack contents
    • Select font sizes, colors and styles
  • Draw on the pack surface


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