Reusable Cover Pages

Super-Flexible Board Pack Cover Pages

BoardCloud allows for great deal of flexibility for board pack cover pages.

Cover pages can be assigned at a meeting level or at committee level.

This means that you can have a standard cover for all committee packs but when required, you can specify a specific cover for any meeting that does not use the standard cover.

Reusable Cover Pages

Cover pages can be designed to act as background templates. over which individual meeting’s key details are displayed.

Below is a committee detail page showing a reusable cover page background image example. Background images can be created by your graphic designer using any design elements you may require.

Reusable board packet cover template  

Overlay Text

The placement and detail of the overlay text can be adjusted per committee.

Below is the cover page of a board meeting pack that was generated when the pack was published for this committee.

Reusable board packet cover example

Need help on configuring your cover pages? Click Here

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